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Did you know that you can also contract a sexually transmitted disease during oral sex?
It is for this reason that the production of flavored condoms began. No, they are not a marketing tactic intended to increase sales of products in colorful packaging. Flavored condoms have significantly helped reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
Just because you cannot get pregnant during oral sex doesn't mean you can forget about using a condom.
This is the only contraceptive method that protects you from sexually transmitted infections.
Most of these diseases can also be transmitted orally. You can contract an infection whether you are receiving or giving oral sex.
Since the taste of latex is quite unpleasant, many people avoided using them during oral sex.
The fact is that after the “normalization” (it is still taboo in some places) of oral sex more than 85% of the adult population began to enjoy it. However, since few protected themselves, a large number of people contracted chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HPV, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases that infected the mouth or throat.
Many condom manufacturers therefore began producing flavored condoms, which greatly reduced the transmission of such diseases.
Flavored condoms contain sugar. Therefore, never use them for vaginal or anal sex.
Sugar dramatically alters the pH of the vagina, which is extremely unpleasant for the partner. Fungal or bacterial infections can also occur.
The same can happen in the anal opening. Therefore, save flavored condoms only for use during oral sex.
If you don't have a flavored condom on hand, you can use a regular condom and one of our flavored lubricants for protection during oral sex. Just make sure that the lubricant is compatible with the type of condom you choose!
A flavored condom is also convenient for orally pleasuring your partner. You can quickly convert it into a dental dam: Cut off the tip of the condom, then cut it lengthwise and spread it out. You get a small sheet, which you spread over the vulva so that the flavored side does not touch it. This way, you can also safely pleasure your partner orally.
Learn more about how to safely use and properly apply a condom so you are protected at all times.